Saturday, May 24, 2008

My Life

Sometimes I sit down and wonder how lucky I am...

I have a...

-great family
-nanny and an aunt who love me unconditionally
-boyfriend who loves me unconditionally
-chance to study abroad
-great childhood
-best friend
-pampered life
-great bunch of friends

Hmmm... my life seems to be pretty great. But it would be a little greater if I...

-actually holds a BPharm degree right now!
-have loads of money to do high-end shopping
-have the power to abolish exams
-can sit for exams whenever I want to
-can travel the world
-can remember everything I have studied
-only need to study when I feel like it
-own a new MacBook right now
-can fly home right now and never be seperated with Bean
-am capable of owning a house
-can have a massage right now
-don't need to get back to my studies now...

3/4 of it is related to studies! Seems like studying is taking over my life from being a great one! Blekz... back to studying disinfectants and antiseptics!

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