Sunday, November 29, 2009

Seperation of Hearts

All left is Tau Tau, Pharmabear and Me.

78 days to go...

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Medical Check Up

Ugh. Going for a medical check up tomorrow for visa application.

A blood sample is required. *wails*

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Goodbye Kuala Lumpur

The time to leave K.L. will be here by tomorrow. I wish that I could just port myself back to Melbourne instead of taking the 8 hours flight. Ugh.

Goodbye to my family members.

Goodbye to Bean's friends who came along to satisfy my garlic fish craze; who spent time playing Mario Kart with me; and who had dinner with me right after they touched down from Bali respectively.

Goodbye to my friends who made an effort to call and meet up with me even though I didn't really make much of an effort in return.

Goodbye to my beloved boyfriend, Bean for slaving this whole 2.5 weeks.

All of you will be missed.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

What Are You Dreaming?

It was bright early Sunday morning...

Me: Don't disturb me... I am dreaming about saving Kevin Cheng.
Bean: I am dreaming about buying one box of cereal, free three boxes of cereals!

Monday, November 9, 2009


Exams ended. Great!

What's next? Party with lots of alcohol!

It all started with a very nice dinner and a bottle of wine. Then we moved on to another bar for another bottle of wine. The bar closed too early which forced us to another bar at Crown Casino for more drinks.

The night ended with: 2 bottles of wine. 6 shots. 3 cocktails. 1 gin&tonic. 2 pint of beer.

The morning started with: A MASSIVE HANGOVER!

I slept at 6.30am in the morning, waking up at 8.30am for my first puking session which I thought would make me feel much better. And I actually did! It made me feel so much better that I was hunger for food. I fried luncheon meat (Chinese version of Spam) coated with egg, totally forgot that fried oily food stimulate more nausea! I took a bite of the luncheon meat and straight to the toilet I went...


And that continued on and off for the whole morning till 1pm!

I could not lie flatly on me bed because I could feel all the blood rushing into my brain. My head was swirling like mad! I had to sit up straight to sleep!

I could not do huge sudden movements. If I were to look from right to left, I had to shift my head bit by bit. If I were to walk from one end to another, I had to take baby steps with standing still moments in between. Otherwise, nauseous feeling would come back and I had to anticipate for another puking session.

In my purple medicine box, I had tempted to take the 5 years expired anti-emetic tablet.

Mu luggage was half packed. My clothes were not washed. It was so freaking miserable.

Nearly gave up on going the Graduation Party as well as the flight home.

But in the end, I was at the party and the flight home.

No more drinking irresponsibly! GAh!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Too Much

Crap!!! I don't think I'll remember this tomorrow.

Certainly, I don't think I'll remember how I won money from the casino.

1 flight.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Final Hurdle

Please don't let me trip.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


It is true when people say that if you laugh too much in the morning, you'll get nightmares at night. Which I did. About my dog - BB.

The dream starts off with me realizing my dog having some cardiac (heart) problem, probably due to his old age. My dog sorta know that he is sick. He kept running to me and asking me to hug him. My dog miraculously understands when I speak to him in human language. Sometimes he whispers into my ear in human language? of how he is feeling.

My mum and I send him to the vet to have a consult on what is happening to him. Then the doctor comes out telling us that the reason that he has cardiac problem is because there are three fetuses in his stomach? and therefore suppressing his heart? Wahahahaa... (when I woke up from my dream, I was wondering how did my dog have three fetuses when he is a MALE?) So the doctor decides to take out the fetuses and apparently they are alive. I remembered me asking, 'Are they gonna be alive?' and the doctor replied 'Yes'. CRAPPPP!! I have to take care another three babies?

So after all the surgeries, we head home with my dog (without the babies thank god!). My dog is sleeping in my brother's room and I occasionally have a check on him, speaking to him in human language again! Then don't know how I realise the cause of his cardiac problem is because he is suffering from hypotension (low blood pressure) from all the anti-hypertensive drugs that he is taking! And I blamed myself for not realising the adverse effect of the anti-hypertensive drugs because I am a PHARMACIST!


Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Family Outing

My housemate's craze over Kim Hyun Joong made her stumbled upon this great reality show.

Is so damn funny that I just couldn't stop laughing.

I probably getting nightmares tonight!

1 paper. 1 flight.