Wednesday, May 28, 2008

July 30th

It was one fine day when my friends and I bumped into Borders to pass our time while waiting for our other friend to arrive. My friend found a book relating to birth dates which I then took and flipped to my birth date...

'Love & Relationships

With your ability to be warm and entertaining, you are sure to have an active social life. A compelling need for love will probably draw you into all kinds of romantic relationships, some of which can prove to be more trouble than they are worth. Since you are so idealistic in affairs of the heart, you may need to work on being detached. By staying light-hearted you do not become overly serious or disappointed if your loved ones do not live up to your expectations. You can, however, be more universal in your love and extremely generous to those you hold dear'

How true is it? Hmmm... I am not too sure myself. But I guess I am warm and entertaining? =P

I continued reading and then a section secretly caught my eye... the birthdates of my special someone...

I don't exactly believe in all this. But when I saw the date, my heart tingled a little + a little adrenaline rush + a little twitch at both corners of my lips.

If what is said in this book is true, I couldn't agree more.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

My Life

Sometimes I sit down and wonder how lucky I am...

I have a...

-great family
-nanny and an aunt who love me unconditionally
-boyfriend who loves me unconditionally
-chance to study abroad
-great childhood
-best friend
-pampered life
-great bunch of friends

Hmmm... my life seems to be pretty great. But it would be a little greater if I...

-actually holds a BPharm degree right now!
-have loads of money to do high-end shopping
-have the power to abolish exams
-can sit for exams whenever I want to
-can travel the world
-can remember everything I have studied
-only need to study when I feel like it
-own a new MacBook right now
-can fly home right now and never be seperated with Bean
-am capable of owning a house
-can have a massage right now
-don't need to get back to my studies now...

3/4 of it is related to studies! Seems like studying is taking over my life from being a great one! Blekz... back to studying disinfectants and antiseptics!

Why Must He Die?

Yooooooo... Can someone tell me why must he die? Why?????!!!!

I have just completed the new TVB series 'Catch Me Now' (I don't know what is it called in Chinese la... I don't know Chinese) and it set me to non stop tearing! Yah... I am a true sucker for this kind of shows! Anybody die... I cry. Honestly man... why must he die? He suppose to have survived from the gun shot and live happily ever after with Bao Yung Yung in New Zealand! Who the hell is the scriptwriter? I want him to rewrite the script!! REWRITE!!!! Yoooooo... I still can't get over the fact that he died lor eventhough I watched it yesterday!

I was so emo after watching the show, I kept tearing and whining it to Bean on the phone!! And these were the sorts of response he gave me,

  1. Ya. He died.
  2. Ok lar ok lar... Actually there is another alternative ending! He was actually wearing a bullet proof jacket! In the end, he did not die and lived happily with Bao Yung Yung!
  3. (I complained that he is not feeling it!) Ok ok... let me get into the mood. Sighhhhh... Sighhhhh... Ahhhhh... Let me recall the show... *tu tu tu tu tu* Aihhhhh... I am very sad. Why must he die????????
  4. Aiya... He will still live to act in ANOTHER show! But not too sure if he is with Bao Yung Yung though!
  5. Is just a show.
  6. Yah lor he died. Eh... don't you think nowadays all the show ends with a irony?
My boyfriend. Priceless.

Update: There is actually an alternative ending! Check it out here!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Childhood Weekend

A weekend where my friends and I relived our childhood memories...

Photo Booth @Chinatown

The guys seemed to be better posers than us, girls!

Arcade @Jam Factory

Miss Vanity and I were revealing our shooting skills in House of Death

Dance Dance Revolution!!! All I could say is it was a DAMN BLOODY good workout! I *heart* my long hair!!! Should I curl my hair???

Mini Basketball! Oh oh... this machine gave us the little tickets where you can redeem stuff!

At the end of the day, with the 54 winning tickets we won A piece of sugus and A box of Willy Wonka Nerds. We spent $30 for the 54 winning tickets. If we were to buy a box of Willy Wonka Nerds and a piece of sugus, it would probably cost only $5!! But I guess, the fun was worth the money!

I feel young once again! =D

Monday, May 12, 2008


Lost of concentration.

Lost of motivation.

Lost of confidence.

Lost of direction.

I am lost. I want to find the way out. But how?

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Busy! Busy! Busy!

Uughhh... Busy busy busy days ahead for me! Exams is in a months time and there are tonnes of reading to catch up on! Assignments and more quizzes to be completed! Seems like time isn't enough for my hectic schedule but somehow I could just find time lazing around and procrastinating! Arrghh.. a very bad side for me! There isn't much going around in my life right now. Except this...

My housemate's birthday was yesterday and I brought her for a pampering manicure and pedicure session last weekend. We chose the 'full set French' having the idea of 'full set' means French manicure and pedicure but we were wrong! wrong! and wrong! The manicurist started putting fake nails on our fingers and I kinda had a shocked of my life! First two days after I did it, my nails were painful. It felt like a huge pressure was putting on my fingernails! But then I kinda get used to the fake fingernails. It was funny when I told Bean I had fake nails on, he had this whole thought of me having long red gothic fingernails! Anyhow... my fingernails are damn beautiful and fantabulous excluding the fact that when I scratch I couldn't feel anything and I have to press the calculator with the tips of my 'fingernails'! Hope this fingernails could last until I am back in Malaysia!

Back to studying.. uggh!