Thursday, December 27, 2007


Okayyyy... Can someone tell me what is this six legged insect doing on my wall? Spider ka?

I actually saw it earlier in my parent's toilet. But... but... when? how? why did the fella come into my room? The distance between my parent's toilet and my room is pretty far. If it is the same fella... hmm... I am surprise it can REALLY crawl.

My head is not facing that way tonight when I am sleeping in case it feels like crawling again maybe onto my face. OMG!

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

The Ho-Ho Time

I started my 2007 Christmas with this...

The Stila Scarlett's Deluxe Palette. =D

Merry Christmas People!!

P/S: Thanks Bean for the wonderful gift!

Saturday, December 22, 2007

When too many pranks come to play...

Bean and I began our trip to Malacca with an absolutely hilarious encounter. We finally arrived at the Ayer Keroh exit after an hour and a half on the highway exiting to Malacca. The traffic was so horrible that all cars were crawling slower than a tortoise. Being so sick getting stuck in the car, I unfasten my seat belt and laid my head on Bean's lap. Since I was lying down I was not oblivious to the surrounding (as if I can see anything anyway...), Bean suddenly became very anxious...

Bean: JPJ! JPJ!
Me: (Lalalalalala.... still happily lying my head on Bean's lap disregarding of what he is saying.)
Me: Oh oh oh! You weren't joking is it?
Bean: -_-

The reason I did not believe Bean is because he loves to pull a prank on me! He loves going...



You see! You see! The moral of the story is...


Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Apparently men do it too!

In the night market...

Me: Oh... I want these curl clips!
Bean: Okay...
Me: (passing the curl clips to the seller)

Me: Two bucks baby.
Me: (Hmm... why Bean isn't giving me two bucks???!!!)

Bean: (asking the seller) How much?
Me: (Geez... I thought I have already told him!) Two bucks baby!

*jaws drop*

Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Me: Hey mum! I arrived at Malacca!
Mum: Oh okay...
Me: Is SUPER HOT here!!!!

After my mum heard that phone call from me, she went straight to the market and bought a wintermelon. She double boiled the wintermelon famous known for 'soothing' (yun) for me on the day I was back from the trip.

Sigh... Isn't mummy the best in the world?

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Shoes Craze

Just back by a month I have already bought 5 pair of heels. Two and a half months more before my holidays end. Does that mean I will be bringing 17 pair of heels back to Melbourne? =P Shoes here are so damn cheap it is actually a sin not to buy them! Hehe...

I am currently deeply in love with covered pointy solid colour heels. They are so sexy and they make me even sexier when I wear them...

So in love with it I couldn't help it but buying the exact pair of heels but in different colour...

One thing bad about this type of heels is they hurt your legs really badly. You have to wear it a few times to 'season' the shoe. Just now I was out for a short time that means I will not be walking in it for a long time. So I wore the black heels to season it. When I got home I saw...

Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! My heart hurt so badly as though there was a sharp knife stabbed right through my heart with immense amount of blood flooding the ground!

Me: My heels got scratched!!!!
Bean: Emmm...
Me: Okay okay... I won't whine about it... Is just a scratch!

Sigh... Men! Men just can't get it. They can't get that...
we girls love heels as much as we love them.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Enchanted by Enchanted

When the real world and the animated world collide...

Don't you wish such fairy tale occured in your life too? I certainly do... Imagine you and your prince charming seal with a true love's kiss... That's so romantic...

This movie basically got me aww-ing all the way from the beginning of the show till the very last bit. I honestly hope this movie wouldn't end at all. I wouldn't mind if this movie extends to three hours because it is just so damn sweet! Plus it is absolutely hilarious!

I had the most enthusiastic stranger sitting next to me. Never in my life I seen someone enjoyed the show this way.

The movie was showing the part where Giselle is singing the That's How You Know song.

"His heart will be yours forever...
Something everyday will show...

That's how you know... That's how you know...
He's your love..."

I was so into the song. Into the movie. Into the lyrics. I was even going... 'Awwwwwww... so sweet!!!!' Suddenly I heard....

*snore* *snore* *snore*

WTH!!!!!!! The movie was so darn sweet and romantic. The song was definitely not boring! This fella actually fell asleep and SNORED! I so felt like smacking the fella and kicking him out of the cinema! Geez man... Such a spoiler!

I could not care less about the freaking spoiler and continued watching the movie. When the ending was about to approach where Robert kisses Giselle to break the spell (you know... the normal fairy tale plot!). You sat in the cinema for two hours JUST to wait for this moment. Your eyes were all set on their lips. When both of their lips were about to touch... just less than a milimetre away...

*YAWNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN* *stretch* *stretch* *stretch*

GAhhhhhhhhhh!!!! The freaking spoiler woke up and gave out such a loud yawn even my grandmother who has hearing problem could hear him! That wasn't it... He had to stretch his freaking body hands and legs and gave out the 'Ahhhhhhh...' sound that sounded as though he had an orgasm or something! Bloody hell....

Dear you-who-slept-in-the-cinema-and-snored-like-nobody-business,

THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR SPOILING THE MOST ROMANTIC PART OF THE MOVIE! I advise you to sleep at home instead of wasting your RM10 to sleep in the cinema! The cinema chair isn't that comfortable you know?


I hope you are reading this you FREAKING SPOILER!

Thursday, December 6, 2007


2 days. It has been two full days since I last saw Bean and I could see the 3rd and 4th day coming. Noo!!!! I am not complaining about him doesn't have time for me! I am more of worrying about him. Bean has been so busy with work these days that the time he calls me after work becoming later and later. Whenever I am expecting his call from the 'expected' time it never happens and the 'expected' time becomes later each day and NEVER earlier!

When he calls I could hear the exhaustion from his voice yet he tries hard to make our conversation interesting. Such a hard day at work and still have to entertain me after work! I am in such a helpless position! All I could do is tell him how this freaking fella undergoes plastic surgery to have a Ricky Martin's face and OMG! this family has 2 six years old and 6 two years old! Because all I did for the day is watch TV! Sigh...

Just today he told me...

Bean: Guess what am I having for dinner?
Me: Hmmm.. Noodles?
Bean: Nope... Yogurt drink!
Bean: I don't really have any appetite!

He is not eating enough. Not resting enough. And it really breaks my heart...

This honestly sux. There is nothing I can do to help him. I know nuts about his job! All I am doing now is refrain myself from disturbing him too much so that he will have more time to concentrate on more important stuff. If given a chance I would really love to take care of him.

I just hope these whole stressful moments will be ending soon!

I miss him dearly.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Family Day

Mum: Tomorrow we go eat Bak Ku Teh in the MORNING okay?
Me: MORNING? What time?
Dad: Sai meh kam jou hui? (Don't need to go so early!) Lunch time lar.
Mum: Ok lar... Ok lar... Let the bou pui lui (precious girl) slee
p longer.

My mum woke me up at 11.00am. Phew! If not I think I wi
ll sleep in till noon! =P The original plan was to head to Klang to have Bak Kut Teh but I hate the freaking place cause is so darn bloody smelly. The weird part is no one else finds it smelly EXCEPT me! Am I the only one having sensitive nose or am I plain weird? My dad then suggested we go some other part of Klang to eat which I totally agreed on. Halfway during the journey I asked my dad, 'Where is the place?'. He said, 'Somewhere near BANTING!' WHAT???????????!!!! It took us an hour drive there! My tummy was making so much of noise by the time we arrived. Then the tau keh soh that was taking our order told us there were no more pig intestine and stomach! I traveled so far and she told me she did not have the stuff that I love the most! How disappointing?!

After the lunch that was my breakfast my dad drov
e us to the Buddhist temple that we went last Chinese New Year since it is nearby. I remembered it was raining heavily and the temple was packed with millions of people. When I was there yesterday it was a total opposite. The sun was burning hot and there was NO ONE! We spent some time exposing ourselves to the massive sun rays touring around the temple.

My dad thought I was having so much fun posing with the little monk statues he too wanted to participate!

Hehe... Isn't he cute?

While we were touring the temple I quietly snapped this picture...

They are getting sweeter by the day.

The last itinerary for the day was to shop at Sunway Pyramid. My mum wanted to check out the new phase. We arrived at that shopping complex with a super bad jam. However we managed to get into the parking. Inside the car park was so jam it was impossible to find parking. There were no cars leaving yet more cars are coming in causing more jam. My dad drove around the car park for like five minutes. He then became so frustrated he left the car park! You see... my dad is quite an impatient guy. I was surprise he agreed to go in the first place! Maybe he wanna sayang my mum since she wanted to go so much.

Too bad! My mum's wish to visit the Sunway Pyramid new phase failed!

Oh well... at least we visited the Sunway Pyramid new phase CAR PARK!

Sunday, December 2, 2007


My Saturday morning started off by puking the remaining alcohol left in my body with my undigested steak I had the night before and a massive hangover. I was in bed till noon and not long after that Bean called that he will be picking me up in 45 minutes time. I dragged my heavy body out of the sofa where I was comfortably lying watching the television to the toilet to get ready. My head was still busily spinning even after the shower. I thought the alcohol would be burnt out by then but guess not. When I got myself into Bean's car, the first question he asked, 'Did you drink lots of water?' (to overcome the dehydration). When I answered no he angrily said, 'WHY NOT?' Sigh... isn't he caring? =D

Both of us headed back to his house and indulged ourself the whole afternoon with his new gadget Nintendo Wii. I kinda forgot when was the last time I was so into playing video games. This seventh generation video game is so super cool! The devices itself are super cool because the design is so sophisticated and classy. The wireless controller which can detect acceleration in three dimensions is even super cooler! Hehe... I was so jakun I had to ask Bean how the hell this thingy operates! I had a hard time getting use to the other controller called Nunchuk that has an analog stick. The only video game controller I am used to is the one with up down left right cursor! =P

The first game Bean introduced me to was Mario Gal
axy! It so reminded me of my childhood but this version is wayyyyyyyy chunner than the one I played ten years ago. Firstly this version is 3D. The whole game is about going round round and round of different planets. People like me who was having hangover plus playing this game that requires you to move Mario in circles made me more dizzy! Then it has what eating stars lar... shaking the control to spin lar... OMG! The only thing I remembered I needed to do ten years ago to play this game was pressing the 'A' button to JUMP!

The above is Bean concentrating hard on the Mario. This picture was taken with illustration purposes. He did not concentrate so hard until he stuck out his tongue lar! Anyway I enjoyed watching the fun side of him playing the game. He knew I was staring at him all the while but what he did not know is I was so mesmerized by his cute look. =)

If you think playing video games requires less energy than doing exercises then you better think AGAIN! The freaking Wii Sports require no less energy than your jogging routine! This game requires you to move as though you are playing the game! I think my muscles grew bigger after I played the baseball! I had to freaking swing my arm in full force to 'throw' the baseball! The sucky part of this Wii Sports was I lost to Bean in every single game! Tennis, baseball AND bowling! This guy was cheekily smilling when I lost to him! Me sux! GAhhhhhh!

One word to describe Wii.


Oopss... Was that two?

P/S: Thank you Bean for appearing in my blog... as if you have a choice! =P