Thursday, December 27, 2007


Okayyyy... Can someone tell me what is this six legged insect doing on my wall? Spider ka?

I actually saw it earlier in my parent's toilet. But... but... when? how? why did the fella come into my room? The distance between my parent's toilet and my room is pretty far. If it is the same fella... hmm... I am surprise it can REALLY crawl.

My head is not facing that way tonight when I am sleeping in case it feels like crawling again maybe onto my face. OMG!

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

The Ho-Ho Time

I started my 2007 Christmas with this...

The Stila Scarlett's Deluxe Palette. =D

Merry Christmas People!!

P/S: Thanks Bean for the wonderful gift!

Saturday, December 22, 2007

When too many pranks come to play...

Bean and I began our trip to Malacca with an absolutely hilarious encounter. We finally arrived at the Ayer Keroh exit after an hour and a half on the highway exiting to Malacca. The traffic was so horrible that all cars were crawling slower than a tortoise. Being so sick getting stuck in the car, I unfasten my seat belt and laid my head on Bean's lap. Since I was lying down I was not oblivious to the surrounding (as if I can see anything anyway...), Bean suddenly became very anxious...

Bean: JPJ! JPJ!
Me: (Lalalalalala.... still happily lying my head on Bean's lap disregarding of what he is saying.)
Me: Oh oh oh! You weren't joking is it?
Bean: -_-

The reason I did not believe Bean is because he loves to pull a prank on me! He loves going...



You see! You see! The moral of the story is...


Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Apparently men do it too!

In the night market...

Me: Oh... I want these curl clips!
Bean: Okay...
Me: (passing the curl clips to the seller)

Me: Two bucks baby.
Me: (Hmm... why Bean isn't giving me two bucks???!!!)

Bean: (asking the seller) How much?
Me: (Geez... I thought I have already told him!) Two bucks baby!

*jaws drop*

Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Me: Hey mum! I arrived at Malacca!
Mum: Oh okay...
Me: Is SUPER HOT here!!!!

After my mum heard that phone call from me, she went straight to the market and bought a wintermelon. She double boiled the wintermelon famous known for 'soothing' (yun) for me on the day I was back from the trip.

Sigh... Isn't mummy the best in the world?

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Shoes Craze

Just back by a month I have already bought 5 pair of heels. Two and a half months more before my holidays end. Does that mean I will be bringing 17 pair of heels back to Melbourne? =P Shoes here are so damn cheap it is actually a sin not to buy them! Hehe...

I am currently deeply in love with covered pointy solid colour heels. They are so sexy and they make me even sexier when I wear them...

So in love with it I couldn't help it but buying the exact pair of heels but in different colour...

One thing bad about this type of heels is they hurt your legs really badly. You have to wear it a few times to 'season' the shoe. Just now I was out for a short time that means I will not be walking in it for a long time. So I wore the black heels to season it. When I got home I saw...

Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! My heart hurt so badly as though there was a sharp knife stabbed right through my heart with immense amount of blood flooding the ground!

Me: My heels got scratched!!!!
Bean: Emmm...
Me: Okay okay... I won't whine about it... Is just a scratch!

Sigh... Men! Men just can't get it. They can't get that...
we girls love heels as much as we love them.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Enchanted by Enchanted

When the real world and the animated world collide...

Don't you wish such fairy tale occured in your life too? I certainly do... Imagine you and your prince charming seal with a true love's kiss... That's so romantic...

This movie basically got me aww-ing all the way from the beginning of the show till the very last bit. I honestly hope this movie wouldn't end at all. I wouldn't mind if this movie extends to three hours because it is just so damn sweet! Plus it is absolutely hilarious!

I had the most enthusiastic stranger sitting next to me. Never in my life I seen someone enjoyed the show this way.

The movie was showing the part where Giselle is singing the That's How You Know song.

"His heart will be yours forever...
Something everyday will show...

That's how you know... That's how you know...
He's your love..."

I was so into the song. Into the movie. Into the lyrics. I was even going... 'Awwwwwww... so sweet!!!!' Suddenly I heard....

*snore* *snore* *snore*

WTH!!!!!!! The movie was so darn sweet and romantic. The song was definitely not boring! This fella actually fell asleep and SNORED! I so felt like smacking the fella and kicking him out of the cinema! Geez man... Such a spoiler!

I could not care less about the freaking spoiler and continued watching the movie. When the ending was about to approach where Robert kisses Giselle to break the spell (you know... the normal fairy tale plot!). You sat in the cinema for two hours JUST to wait for this moment. Your eyes were all set on their lips. When both of their lips were about to touch... just less than a milimetre away...

*YAWNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN* *stretch* *stretch* *stretch*

GAhhhhhhhhhh!!!! The freaking spoiler woke up and gave out such a loud yawn even my grandmother who has hearing problem could hear him! That wasn't it... He had to stretch his freaking body hands and legs and gave out the 'Ahhhhhhh...' sound that sounded as though he had an orgasm or something! Bloody hell....

Dear you-who-slept-in-the-cinema-and-snored-like-nobody-business,

THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR SPOILING THE MOST ROMANTIC PART OF THE MOVIE! I advise you to sleep at home instead of wasting your RM10 to sleep in the cinema! The cinema chair isn't that comfortable you know?


I hope you are reading this you FREAKING SPOILER!

Thursday, December 6, 2007


2 days. It has been two full days since I last saw Bean and I could see the 3rd and 4th day coming. Noo!!!! I am not complaining about him doesn't have time for me! I am more of worrying about him. Bean has been so busy with work these days that the time he calls me after work becoming later and later. Whenever I am expecting his call from the 'expected' time it never happens and the 'expected' time becomes later each day and NEVER earlier!

When he calls I could hear the exhaustion from his voice yet he tries hard to make our conversation interesting. Such a hard day at work and still have to entertain me after work! I am in such a helpless position! All I could do is tell him how this freaking fella undergoes plastic surgery to have a Ricky Martin's face and OMG! this family has 2 six years old and 6 two years old! Because all I did for the day is watch TV! Sigh...

Just today he told me...

Bean: Guess what am I having for dinner?
Me: Hmmm.. Noodles?
Bean: Nope... Yogurt drink!
Bean: I don't really have any appetite!

He is not eating enough. Not resting enough. And it really breaks my heart...

This honestly sux. There is nothing I can do to help him. I know nuts about his job! All I am doing now is refrain myself from disturbing him too much so that he will have more time to concentrate on more important stuff. If given a chance I would really love to take care of him.

I just hope these whole stressful moments will be ending soon!

I miss him dearly.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Family Day

Mum: Tomorrow we go eat Bak Ku Teh in the MORNING okay?
Me: MORNING? What time?
Dad: Sai meh kam jou hui? (Don't need to go so early!) Lunch time lar.
Mum: Ok lar... Ok lar... Let the bou pui lui (precious girl) slee
p longer.

My mum woke me up at 11.00am. Phew! If not I think I wi
ll sleep in till noon! =P The original plan was to head to Klang to have Bak Kut Teh but I hate the freaking place cause is so darn bloody smelly. The weird part is no one else finds it smelly EXCEPT me! Am I the only one having sensitive nose or am I plain weird? My dad then suggested we go some other part of Klang to eat which I totally agreed on. Halfway during the journey I asked my dad, 'Where is the place?'. He said, 'Somewhere near BANTING!' WHAT???????????!!!! It took us an hour drive there! My tummy was making so much of noise by the time we arrived. Then the tau keh soh that was taking our order told us there were no more pig intestine and stomach! I traveled so far and she told me she did not have the stuff that I love the most! How disappointing?!

After the lunch that was my breakfast my dad drov
e us to the Buddhist temple that we went last Chinese New Year since it is nearby. I remembered it was raining heavily and the temple was packed with millions of people. When I was there yesterday it was a total opposite. The sun was burning hot and there was NO ONE! We spent some time exposing ourselves to the massive sun rays touring around the temple.

My dad thought I was having so much fun posing with the little monk statues he too wanted to participate!

Hehe... Isn't he cute?

While we were touring the temple I quietly snapped this picture...

They are getting sweeter by the day.

The last itinerary for the day was to shop at Sunway Pyramid. My mum wanted to check out the new phase. We arrived at that shopping complex with a super bad jam. However we managed to get into the parking. Inside the car park was so jam it was impossible to find parking. There were no cars leaving yet more cars are coming in causing more jam. My dad drove around the car park for like five minutes. He then became so frustrated he left the car park! You see... my dad is quite an impatient guy. I was surprise he agreed to go in the first place! Maybe he wanna sayang my mum since she wanted to go so much.

Too bad! My mum's wish to visit the Sunway Pyramid new phase failed!

Oh well... at least we visited the Sunway Pyramid new phase CAR PARK!

Sunday, December 2, 2007


My Saturday morning started off by puking the remaining alcohol left in my body with my undigested steak I had the night before and a massive hangover. I was in bed till noon and not long after that Bean called that he will be picking me up in 45 minutes time. I dragged my heavy body out of the sofa where I was comfortably lying watching the television to the toilet to get ready. My head was still busily spinning even after the shower. I thought the alcohol would be burnt out by then but guess not. When I got myself into Bean's car, the first question he asked, 'Did you drink lots of water?' (to overcome the dehydration). When I answered no he angrily said, 'WHY NOT?' Sigh... isn't he caring? =D

Both of us headed back to his house and indulged ourself the whole afternoon with his new gadget Nintendo Wii. I kinda forgot when was the last time I was so into playing video games. This seventh generation video game is so super cool! The devices itself are super cool because the design is so sophisticated and classy. The wireless controller which can detect acceleration in three dimensions is even super cooler! Hehe... I was so jakun I had to ask Bean how the hell this thingy operates! I had a hard time getting use to the other controller called Nunchuk that has an analog stick. The only video game controller I am used to is the one with up down left right cursor! =P

The first game Bean introduced me to was Mario Gal
axy! It so reminded me of my childhood but this version is wayyyyyyyy chunner than the one I played ten years ago. Firstly this version is 3D. The whole game is about going round round and round of different planets. People like me who was having hangover plus playing this game that requires you to move Mario in circles made me more dizzy! Then it has what eating stars lar... shaking the control to spin lar... OMG! The only thing I remembered I needed to do ten years ago to play this game was pressing the 'A' button to JUMP!

The above is Bean concentrating hard on the Mario. This picture was taken with illustration purposes. He did not concentrate so hard until he stuck out his tongue lar! Anyway I enjoyed watching the fun side of him playing the game. He knew I was staring at him all the while but what he did not know is I was so mesmerized by his cute look. =)

If you think playing video games requires less energy than doing exercises then you better think AGAIN! The freaking Wii Sports require no less energy than your jogging routine! This game requires you to move as though you are playing the game! I think my muscles grew bigger after I played the baseball! I had to freaking swing my arm in full force to 'throw' the baseball! The sucky part of this Wii Sports was I lost to Bean in every single game! Tennis, baseball AND bowling! This guy was cheekily smilling when I lost to him! Me sux! GAhhhhhh!

One word to describe Wii.


Oopss... Was that two?

P/S: Thank you Bean for appearing in my blog... as if you have a choice! =P

Friday, November 30, 2007

Money money money

I am back in Malaysia which means less money spent in Australia right? Not at all!!! Freaking house rent, phone bill, handphone bill, internet bill and gas bill all came at once! I think I paid about a total of...


Isn't this ridiculous?

My mum told me that the LDP toll is increasing to RM2.40 from next year onwards! That's like an increase of 80 cents! 80 cents are damn a lot okay! I usually go through the toll twice for each trip which means a total of RM1.60! If I use the toll and everyday and the price never raise I can buy my Gucci wallet in 1187.5 days! =P

Aiyooooo.... Want to increase the toll price go increase at some other tolls lar! Why must increase price of the ONLY toll I often take? How sweet?!!! Money grow from trees is it? Increase increase increase! *roll eyes*

Nah! Fake one I have lar!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Let's Dive!

'Noooo!! Not scuba diving... I am talking about Sky Diving!'

That was a crazy thought a bunc
h of 20 years old kids had. And the bunch of 20 years old kids I am talking about is my friends and I. =D We used to suggest everything on Earth but never get our hearts into doing it. Finally we had something done that is sky diving.

I made the decision to jump of the plane in quit
e a short time. My friend messaged me about it and wanted me to make the decision by next few days. Every decision made was so quick I did not even have time to prepare myself and the day of jump has arrived.

After a journey of more than an hour we finally arrived at the place. Hmmm... There were so many houses and shops around I wondered how the heck we were going to dive! I doubted that we were going to land on the houses! Were we? Ha! We actually went to the office of the diving school instead on the diving ground! Gosh!! It took us another two hours drive to the diving ground, Euroa.

Cleared sky and open air land. This place looked more like a place to dive!

*dup dup* *dup dup* *dup dup*

My heart beat was racing up quickly once I stepped out from the car. My thought was, 'What the hell are you thinking jumping off the plane?' We registered ourselves at the counter and there were tonnes of paper work to do! Filling in your details... health conditions... yadda yadda yadda... and signing the 'death' form stating that it will not be anyone responsibility EXCEPT your own if any accidentals happen! I hate signing that form! Geez! I don't plan to die okay!

There were nine of us diving that day, so it took a bloody long time for each and every one of us to dive! Because there were only two tandems (the instructor who jumps with you) which means each time only two us could dive. Time needed to gear you up. Then you have to ride at least 20 minutes up to the intended height before the jump. The jump itself takes another 10 minutes. In total each jump takes about 40 minutes!

I was so sick of waiting all my adrenaline rushing through my blood vessels were gone. Instead of 'OMG! I am gonna jump soon!', it was more like 'OMG! When can I jump?'

After a freaking long wait, it was finally my turn! I was all geared up with the jump suit and harness. There was a short briefing on what you should
do while you were diving. Oh... I took the video package thingy to capture every moment of my dive. It was quite embarassing actually because there was this part of interviewing about how I felt. All I said was... 'OMG!!! I am excited!' Blekzzz...

Fuh... That 20 minutes ride in the plane up to 10,000 feet was long! The longest ride I ever took! The adrenaline which was far gone suddenly came back rushing through every inch and corner of my blood vessels! My heart beat was raised to 10-folds! It became *dupdupdupdupdupdupdup*! Every foot the plane went up, the pressure and the temperature dropped. My hands were so cold I felt as though my fingers were dropping off!

The pilot indicating the right moment to jump, 'In five...'




'Three... Two...'

*gulp* *gulp*


*gulp* *gulp* *gulp*

The 'door' (more like a piece of cloth) of the plane was lifted up and my eyes FREAKING POPPED OUT! We were at such a FREAKING HIGH from
the ground! One of the sky divers jumped off the plane and my heart beat raised 100-folds! Without noticing, my tandem has already pushed me out of the plane and my legs were dangling in the air!

I said it out LOUD, 'OMG!!! OMG!!! OMG!!!'

Before I could finished my fourth 'OMG!', I was dived out from the plane at 220km/h!


That was all I freaking did! I freaking screamed from the moment I jumped! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!! The feeling was incredible, unbelievable, astonishing, fantastic, implausible...! Being able to free fall for only 10 seconds (which felt longer than that) felt so F
REE! There was no 'heart-jumping-out-feeling' like those you experienced from roller coaster! All I could feel was nice free feeling! It wasn't a tiny bit scary at all! Serious! No lies!

After the ten seconds free fall, it took quite some time to parachute down to the ground. My tandem made us twirl and twirl and twirl I nearly felt like puking! But thank god I took motion sickness pill before this! Another great experience from the parachut
ing was I get to enjoy the scenery which streched all the way to the horizon. So breathtaking!

And... I was back to the ground! Woohooo!

The dive from 10,000 feet at 220km/h marked my 21st.

P/S: There are ZERO comments in my last entry. *sob* Help me by leaving a comment PUHLEEEZEEE *down on my knees*

Friday, November 23, 2007

Have you tried clicking on the links I put it under "Read This Too!!"? There is this particular link, Ubean which is a blog belongs to Bean. I reckon that it has been a very super freaking long time since he updated his last entry. His last update was... hmm... ermmm... too long ago to be remembered. =P His blog is so dead I demanded him to update his freaking blog. Bean said that he will ONLY update his blog if I receive FIVE COMMENTS for this entry.

If you feel that is time for him to update his blog... PLEASE leave a comment here.

If you are feeling so sick that each time you visit his blog all you see is 'Its still slavery'... PLEASE leave a comment here.

If you want to know what Bean's thoughts are on my last entry about 'Will you date someone without a car?' (he has the total opposite thoughts from me!)... PLEASE leave a comment here.

If you are Bean's friend reading this entry... PLEASE leave a comment here.

If you are my friend reading this entry... PLEASE leave a comment here.

If you happen to read this entry... PLEASE leave a comment here.

I am PLEADING to each and everyone of you to leave a comment here!

All I need is FIVE COMMENTS!

*doe eyes*

P/S: Woohoo... I am back to civilization! Bought myself a modem from The Curve! =D

Thursday, November 22, 2007


Car (occasionally lorry) has been a main source of transportation for me since I was born. Since young I am used to being fetch around by my dad, Panjang (my dad's worker who sadly is not working with my dad anymore), my brother or even my friends. When I hit the age of 18, I owned a driving license. My dad then bought me a car (Yes... my daddy loves me very much!) and since then I have been driving myself everywhere. Also having the privilege of being driven by Bean. Everywhere seems more convenient when you have a car.

You may say why not try taking the public transport? In Melbourne I will say, 'why not?' But in Kuala Lumpur... I guess you better kill me. Eh... in K.L, the public transport may take you to the designated place provided you take another 30 minutes walk lar...

Yesterday Bean and I was having this hypothetical question. We love to give each other hypothetical questions and argue about it.

So the question is...

'Will you date someone without a car?'

When a car is so important to you in your life, will your answer be a 'yes'?

As for me, the answer will be a plain 'No'. Call me materialistic. Call me pampered. Call me spoilt. My answer will still remain as a 'No!' To me, car is a necessity NOT a luxury. My question was 'Will you date someone without a car?' not 'Will you date someone without a LUXURIOUS car?'. So how does that make me a materialistic person? Car is just a basic need in life.
Yes... I admit I am someone who has a certain expectations in life. I don't think that is very wrong! Therefore, one person should always work to achieve their expectations and not waiting for it to fall from the sky.

Bean said, 'If you love that person UNCONDITIONALLY you wouldn't mind at all'

Ermmm... this is kinda back to the first question. If you already opt for dating someone with a car, the only people you will be dating WILL already have a car. So the above is not really applicable. =P

So do you girls have the same thought as me? Is this what you call 'materialistic'? Or do you believe that LOVE is everything? As long as you have each other you do not need anything else on Earth.

Goodnight NOT!

Honestly I am so deprive of sleep nowadays. Fine... I sleep more than seven hours a day but is never a good night sleep! I am not deeply in sleep. And it is causing me not to have a nice dream of my prince charming in his white armour riding on a white horse. Bean so gonna kill me when he reads this! =P

So why the hell am I not sleeping well? Because... my pillow is so old, it is FLAT and LUMPY! It is as flat as the flattest thing you can think of! It is as lump
y as though there are pebbles in it! GAhhhhh!

I used to sleep on a Donald Duck pillow that used to be belong to my brother. Basically it was an old pillow lar! Then my mum saw that it was so flat and old, she replaced it with a pillow (the current one I am sleeping on) that used to be belong to my da
d! Which means it is an OLD pillow as well lar! #$#%$%%@&@#%$@!!! I let her kek sei I tell you!

I NEED A NEW SOFT FLUFFY PILLOW! Excuse me... the word 'new' is in CAPS AND BOLD! I am very much stressing on the word 'new'!

There will be no good nights until I get myself a new pillow! So don't you wish me good night before I smack you!

Oh... did I tell you that my prince charming is Bean? Hmmm... maybe he doesn't feel like killing me now! =P

P/S: I am still stuck in a house without internet connection! According to Bean my modem is spoilt and he is bringing me to get a new one tonight! Whee!!

Thursday, November 15, 2007


Snuggle, verb
v.i. to lie or draw closely for warmth or comfort or from affection

Snuggle is something I love to do to Bean. In short I just like to manja my boyfriend lar... When I was snuggling up to him,

Bean: Why lar baby? Why are you like a WORM?
Me: Eh... is called snuggle OKAY! What worm?!!!

The yesterday once again I was snuggling up to him...

Bean: Aiyo... so manja!
Me: Yeah... being a worm! So how do you feel me being a worm?

I was expecting him to say something like... nice? I like it? so cute?

NOOOOOOOOOO! The fella said...


manja = cajole

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Odds & Surprises

“Ladies and gentleman, boys and girls. Welcome on board to Malaysia Airlines. This is your captain speaking. We will be taking off in five minutes time. The journey from Melbourne to Kuala Lumpur will take approximately seven hours…”

I picked up my hand phone straight away and messaged Bean stating that my flight will only take seven hours instead of the initial eight hours. After the flight has took off…

“Selamat datang ke Malaysia Airlines. Masa pe
nerbangan dari Melbourne ke Kuala Lumpur akan mengambil tujuh jam dan LIMA PULUH minit.” (Welcome on board to Malaysia Airlines. The journey from Melbourne to Kuala Lumpur will take seven hours and fifty minutes)

CRAP!!!!!! SHOOT!!! Bean waited for me in the airport an extra of one hour and forty minutes. Oops…

I rushed out from the flight once it has landed a
nd walked at my top speed. I felt really really bad for making Bean waited for me for such a long time. GAH!!! If only I heard properly… if only… I walked out to the exit and Bean was already walking towards me. Phew! I was glad Bean did not just give me a ‘Hie’ but instead he welcomed me with a HUMUNGOUS smile stretched from his left cheek all the way to the right cheek. At the moment when he gave me a hug, the feeling was just indescribable. I was finally in his arms. A scene that I always wished for has finally turned into a reality. A reality that was so seem like a dream.

Odd #1: Why is Bean carrying a backpack? Bean never carries a backpack!

Parents and Bean came in separate cars. I so thought I was going to follow my parents car though my heart wished that I could follow Bean instead. Hehe… but mum in the end asked me to follow his car. Wheeee!! When I was in Melbourne, I asked
him if he has bought any of the DVDs I was looking for and he casually said he forgot. Okay… =( Once I got into Bean’s car, he passed me a bag filled with sweets, a bear and the DVDs that he ‘forgot’ to buy for me. I really thought he did not get the DVDs and hence it was a great surprise for me when I opened the bag. A smile painted on my face immediately.

Suddenly Bean asked me to reach out for the Smart Tag (the toll thingy…) inside his backpack.

Odd #2: Since when Bean leaves his Smart Tag inside a backpack? He always leaves it in that… that compartment in front of the passenger seat. Yah lar… I don’t know what is it called.

Being so blurred at that point (maybe because I was too happily struck), I reached out for the backpack and unzip it. Guess what I found? Nope… not the Smart Tag but a box beautifully wrapped with a wrapping paper filled with heart shapes. I rip
ped the wrapping paper because he used some super strong double-sided tape and I saw this...

And this...

OMG!!!!!!!!!! He freaking bought me a new phone! A FREAKING NEW PHONE! If any of you who have been following my blog would know I wanted to change to a new phone. Why Bean did not buy the W800i you may ask? Is because I totally changed my mind right after I posted that entry. Hmm… Doe eyes tactic actually works! =P I later found out that he wrapped the present himself. *melt* He officially became the first man who personally wrapped a present for me. I told Bean if my mum found out she would definitely say ‘Chung wai sai!’ (You’re spoiling her!). She said the EXACT same words when she found out. So knew it!

Odd #3: “What time do your parents leave the house for work?” Bean asked me this question twice. He asked me when I was in Melbourne. He asked me again when I am back here.

I have no idea I am having jet lag or plainly cannot sleep. Ever since the exam started, I never ever sleep more than six hours a day regardless of how exhausted am I. I slept at 2.00am on the day I touched down and I woke up at 7.30am the following day. 7.30am. Bean should be having breakfast at this time.

Me: Hello… Having breakfast?

Bean: Yeah… Why are you awake so early?

Me: Cannot sleep but still tired!

Bean: So you going to sleep back?
Me: Yeah… I will see ya later.

You see… the plan was suppose to be me finding him for lunch during his lunch break at about 12.30pm. This cheeky fella suddenly said…

Bean: I am on leave today!


This fella I tell you! I once asked him to take leave when I am back and he gave me the reason he can’t because it is starting of the month. Usually that period of time he would be extra busy. I am lying if I tell you I was not even a bit disappointed. Just a little bit. However, the other side of me understood the circumstances. Anyway… it was history. The fact is he took leave FOR ME! I was so damn freaking super happy I went into my parents’ room and told them about it while they were half awake at 7.30am!

Me: OMG OMG OMG! Bean took leave today!

Mum: AIYO! Chung ku lei jou mat kuai! Hak sei ngor! (Aiyo! I thought what happened! Gave me a fright!)

Dad: Ish! (And he went back to sleep…)


Bean did so much for me. No doubt I claimed myself as the happiest girl on earth. It is not due to the surprises. It is because I got myself an amazing man. An indeed amazing one.

P/S: Sorry for the infrequent updates. There is something wrong with my house internet connection. I am in Starbucks right now using their internet connection. The connection is so slow I can actually fall asleep on the spot!

Sunday, November 11, 2007


My housemate was so sweet she made me a 'going home calendar' because she knew how anxious I was to hop on the plane and fly back home...

It was tough flipping twenty two pages but the last page has finally arrived today...

Dad, Mum, Kor, Ah Ku and Bean... I AM COMING HOME!!!



*super big grin!*

Friday, November 9, 2007


Weeeeee!! I am finally free from exams!

NO more exams!

NO more sleeping late because I need to study!

NO more irregular eating habits because I have no time to c

NO more lecture notes!

NO more picornaviridae, methylene shuffle, myocardial infarction!

Now I am all set to have some FUN!!! I am dressed and ready...

Sips of wine and gossips to fill the night!


Thursday, November 8, 2007

Bees = not so smart

Buzz... Buzz... Buzz...

OMG!!!! Why were there so many bees outside my house?
And one of them even invaded our house. I had no idea how did that tiny fella passed through the window netting and squeezed itself through the small gaps. Maybe tiny was the answer. I took one of the Melbourne Tourist Book and *SMACK*. Die lar the fella this time.

Buzz... Buzz... Buzz...

Idiot was still alive buzzing around. Gah!!! My housemat
e took the book in turn and *SMACK* *SMACK* *SMACK*. Ha! The bee was so dead all its juices spurted out! Into the dustbin it went. Problem settled. We even closed the window to prevent more from coming in.

Two minutes later...

Buzz... Buzz... Buzz...

Bloody hell! Two more came in! Eh bees, didn't we give a w
arning sign to you guys not to invade our place by closing the windows? My housemate told me to leave them (how sweet!) and kill them later (not so sweet...).

So the night came and my housemate messaged me online (We don't scream across the room okay!).

My housemate: Eh... the bees are dead.
Me: Yup

My housemate: Eh... I think ar the bees right die when the SKY GETS DARK!
Me: *smacks head* SIAO JIE! I saw them dying with my own eyes when the sky was still FREAKING BRIGHT!
My housemate: Har??? Is it??? Uhm... Oops... Ahahahahaahahahahahha!!!!
Me: *swt* (how innocent...)

Bees don't die when the sky turns dark! The reason why the two idiots died was because they were so smart, they squeezed through some tiny holes eventhough we closed the freaking window and landed themselves on the INSECTICIDES powder I used to line the window pane.

Smart a**!

This morning again!

Buzz... Buzz... Buzz...

Another one came in and landed itself on the insecticides powder AGAIN. Damn smart. The bee was already halfway in the pengsan stage flew itself and landed itself in the container we use to put our washing dishes sponges. The fella got trapped between the wok sponge and drowned itself in the detergents. Maybe it was trying to commit suicide.

Super damn smart a**!

1 more paper. 3 more days. 1 anxious heart.

siao jie = Ms.
pengsan = faint

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Invisible Us

Usually my housemate and I will take away food in the city before heading home after every exam paper because we don't want to go through the whole cooking process. Tiring. Time consuming. Yesterday, we decided to take away from Dessert House on Swanston St. We went into the restaurant and placed our order. Typical Hong Kong restaurants here are very tiny (or rather they use up every meter square if possible to place a table). There is not much space for walking. What more for standing? Hence, the cashier told us to wait outside. When we were heading out of the restaurant we came to the motion sensor glass door. I stood there. Nothing happened. I walked back a few more steps and forth few more steps. Nothing happened.

My housemate: Eh... You are too short!
Me: -_-

Fine! I let her walk ahead of me. Guess what? The glass door did not open okay! So it was definitely not about the freaking height! I repeat... NOT! The waitress saw what happened. She walked towards us, waved her hand high up and the glass door opened. Ah.... I then came to understand that the motion sensor was a crappy one.


After about 10 minutes, we went back to collect our food. Once again we arrived at the stwweeppeet situation again where the glass door did
not want to open. Okay... we thought we were smarter this time. We waved our hands like what the waitress did. Bahhhhh!!!! The glass door did not open again! That was not the worst! There were people waiting outside the restaurant planning to head in after we have left the restaurant. The freaking glass door is a SEE-THROUGH glass door. So can you imagine how freaking steewwwpeeet we looked waving our hands when those people were just standing right infront of us on the opposite side of the door? They must be thinking why these two retards are waving their hands when it was so bloody obvious we don't know each other and not wanting to leave the restaurant.

The waitress came again. Waved her hand. The glass door opened. She only gave like a single or two waves. While both of us was frantically waving our hands.


2 more papers. 5 more days. 1 anxious heart.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

So am I screwed?

I barely even had five hours of sleep last night. When I was actually sleeping, my mind wasn't actually sleeping at all.

'Aspergillus fumigatus... gram positive... antigenic shift... bacteriophage...'

Words, words and more words from the lecture notes were circulating around in my head. My eyes wanted to rest. My body wanted to rest. But my mind said, 'NO! YOU ARE FREAKING SCREWED CHAN KIT LING! SO GO FREAKING STUDY!'

Never in my life I felt so unprepared for an exam. As nerd as it might sounds, I used to study so much that when I just glanced through the page I knew exactly what is written on that page. The word is USED TO. Yesterday I practically had to read word by word as though I have not studied the notes before. I told myself that I was screwed. I regret. I knew I slacked too much. I knew I have wasted the day before. I am sure Bean knew it too. But I was glad he was being so supportive despite the fact that he knew I did not work hard at all. He has always been supportive. Thank you! =)

I woke up pre
tty early this morning thinking of catching up some not much time left to look through my notes again. At one point I was so sick of reading I just put my lecture notes away. I played Tetris. But not even a minute I took back my lecture notes and started reading again. I did not even eat lunch and munched on two pieces of bread. I thought that I was so so so freaking screwed (this is an understatement because I was shit scared!) I did this to boost my confidence.

'Kit Ling... You're NOT screwed. NOT!!!'

When I showed it to my housemate guess what she said? She said, 'not YET'. I honestly found it quite funny when she said it but I just wanted to delusion myself that I won't be screwed at the end of the day.

While waiting for my friend at the train stop, I saw few of my other coursemates. They are the really hardworking ones. From a glance, you could see the difference between them and us (my housemate and I). The prepared ones and the not prepared ones. They were the ones not holding any lecture notes and chit chatting away. We were the one holding lecture notes and trying to do some last minute cramping. We chatted too. A lot. The topic was nothing else but stuff in the lecture notes.

The train ride seems shorter today. When you are so need in time, time seems to pass faster. Agree? My heart was beating so fast and hard as though it was gonna penetrate through my skin and pop out onto the ground. I was still trying to read more when I reached the exam venue but after a while I closed the lecture notes because I knew there wasn't much left I could do to save my a**.

So am I screwed?
I am glad to say I am not screwed. But I don't think I did marvellous. I did okay.

Thank you, Bean. I always carry your words, 'You can do it!' in my mind. When you believe in me I can't give any reasons for not believing myself.

And lastly, thank you God!

3 more papers. 10 more days. 1 anxious heart.

P/S: I am a Buddhist. I pray to Guan Yin. =)

Wednesday, October 31, 2007


I am screwed.

I am seriously screwed.

I am honestly screwed.

I am totally screwed.


Monday, October 29, 2007

An entry of Randomness

One paper down! Wooohoooo... Now my mind is so exhausted I can't even think of a title for this entry. Neither I can think of what to write in this entry but I just feel like posting an entry. Ah... It shall be a post of randomness.


This afternoon I was at the train station waiting
for the train (DUh!) to arrive. Yup... I need to catch a tram from my house to the city then a train from the city to Caulfield to reach my exam venue. Why my university chooses such a far place? Don't ask me. Anyway, suddenly there was this old man walked passed me. My housemate looked at me and said, 'Why was that old man looking at your boobs and said "Beauty!"?' WTHHHHHHHH!!!! But I doubt he was doing that! Oh come on... he is an OLD MAN! But seriously... he probably was just looking at the ground! We so wanted to snap his picture down so that I can post it up my blog. Wahahahaahha... But due to the respect we have for that old man, we decided to give it a pass. I know we are nice people. =P


'I am not a disease. I am having a disease' Discuss.

HUH????!!!! plus my eyes were popping out when I read the above sentence.
That was a question I had for my exam this afternoon. What was I suppose to write? I became the biggest crapper today. I just wrote down whatever I could think of. I wrote the definition of disease. One mark for that definition, Professor? *doe eyes*


I have a new baby girl!!!!! =) She is my baby gi
rl but is NOT Bean's baby girl. Meet my baby girl...




Oops... I did not tell you she is my virtual baby girl? Hehe... Meet Chi Chi. Isn't she cute? Look what is Facebook doing to us. First create pets. Now create babies pula!


I know you dislike this song. But you know you have me by your side regardless. Cheer up! Give me a SMILE!!!! *wink*

by Rihana

When the sun shines
We’ll shine together
Told you I'll be here forever
Said I'll always be your friend
Took an oath
I'mma stick it out 'till the end
Now that it's raining more than ever
Know that we still have each other
You can stand under my Umbrella


4 more papers. 13 more days. 1 anxious heart.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Do you know about this cup?

Sanitary Pad...




You must be wondering why is a cup falling under the same category as sanitary pad and tampon. I was once wondering too until I came across a website selling menstrual cup! Yes... you read it right! Is a cup to collect the period. OMG!!!! I never knew there is such invention on earth!

It works exactly same as the tampon which means you have to wear it internally. The only difference is it is reusable!

Hmmm... Is it comfy?

P/S: There will be less updates as I will be facing my end of semester examination. Wish me luck!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Honestly, my life is pretty sad nowadays! Basically my everyday life now consists of wake up, eat, study, eat, study, nap, study, eat, talk on the phone with Bean, study and sleep. The whole FREAKING routine starts again the next day! Besides my housemate, I have not seen anyone else on earth for the past three days. OMG... You think is sad too huh? Look what exams can do to one person!

Another thing I do ocassionally when I feel so bored in staring at my lecture notes is playing online Tetris! The only exciting stuff I do everyday. Yes... I know! Is pretty sad again! Anyway... it is a good form for stress relieving! This is the best version of online tetris you can find. Others are pretty crap. Yes... I even did research on Tetris. Stop reminding me how sad my life is now pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Go play tetris here!

My highest level is 25.

What is yours?

Oh oh... check out this funny video too! Hehe... Is about Tetris too..

P/S: Thank you!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Keypads where??

In the midst of searching for new handphone models, another phone came across my eyes when I was walking my way to the asian groceries. The LG Prada phone. The name of the phone sounds so glamourous it made me want to find out more about it.

A few pictures were found through the net.

I saw this...


And this...

Hmmm... Okay... There was one question running through my head. I asked Bean,
'This is a SLIDE phone yeah?'

Because I did not see the keypads! I therefore assumed it was a slide phone!


Before Bean wanted to say anything, I interupted...


Phew... Just in time to save my a** from embarassment!

I am blaming it on the exam!!