Wednesday, May 28, 2008

July 30th

It was one fine day when my friends and I bumped into Borders to pass our time while waiting for our other friend to arrive. My friend found a book relating to birth dates which I then took and flipped to my birth date...

'Love & Relationships

With your ability to be warm and entertaining, you are sure to have an active social life. A compelling need for love will probably draw you into all kinds of romantic relationships, some of which can prove to be more trouble than they are worth. Since you are so idealistic in affairs of the heart, you may need to work on being detached. By staying light-hearted you do not become overly serious or disappointed if your loved ones do not live up to your expectations. You can, however, be more universal in your love and extremely generous to those you hold dear'

How true is it? Hmmm... I am not too sure myself. But I guess I am warm and entertaining? =P

I continued reading and then a section secretly caught my eye... the birthdates of my special someone...

I don't exactly believe in all this. But when I saw the date, my heart tingled a little + a little adrenaline rush + a little twitch at both corners of my lips.

If what is said in this book is true, I couldn't agree more.

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