Sunday, April 19, 2009

The Lonely Days

The last entry was clearly updated by Bean because of the huge font and poor arrangement of the pictures. To be honest, he took an hour updating that entry! I had to rush him for dinner which results in him being tulan at me! That entry was ended with quite a shocking picture actually. But I totally love it. =P

This year mid semester break was great. Only that Bean could have stayed a little longer or even forever? We did not do much this time except indulging ourselves with loads of good food- fine dining which is my favourite. Will update about it in the next few entries. Most of the days left were used to watch TVB drama! Stupid Bean was so addicted to the E.U., he did not want to sleep!

Oh... all of you knew Bean had bought a freaking huge SLR camera yeah? But all of you did no know how much I hated it! My Sony camera was totally abandoned! =( And he freaking named his SLR camera his new baby! What the?! The times I had to stand next to him waiting for him to snap those pictures! One shot normal. One shot vivid. One shot black and white. Another shot normal. Another shot vivid. Another shot vivid but 'less' vivid. *kills self* There was a night we went for fine dinng, I told him, 'No no no! You are not taking out your camera! Is TOO hugeeeeee!'. We took the pictures with my Sony camera instead and he went, 'Sigh... the pictures are not clear!'. OKAYYYYYY!! My Sony camera is not a SLR camera damnnit! The only time I could tolerate him taking pictures was the time in the city where I went shopping! Don't have to stand next to him and wait! Yay!

Anyway, the house has sounded a bit too quiet after Bean left. It has been the same for the past two days. Fortunately my housemate will be back tomorrow. Can't live another day sleeping alone!

Mid semester break has finally over. Boring lectures are to begin tomorrow. Ugh! I still have bunch of lectopias (online lectures) to catch up on. *faint*

Time to shower! More updates soon!

P/S: Somehow I have a feeling Bean is gonna kill me for what I just wrote! =P


ubean said...

walau!!! im innocent!!!

Shaun said...

New toys is good. Next time buy her one to keep her shut. Learn from experience.