Thursday, December 6, 2007


2 days. It has been two full days since I last saw Bean and I could see the 3rd and 4th day coming. Noo!!!! I am not complaining about him doesn't have time for me! I am more of worrying about him. Bean has been so busy with work these days that the time he calls me after work becoming later and later. Whenever I am expecting his call from the 'expected' time it never happens and the 'expected' time becomes later each day and NEVER earlier!

When he calls I could hear the exhaustion from his voice yet he tries hard to make our conversation interesting. Such a hard day at work and still have to entertain me after work! I am in such a helpless position! All I could do is tell him how this freaking fella undergoes plastic surgery to have a Ricky Martin's face and OMG! this family has 2 six years old and 6 two years old! Because all I did for the day is watch TV! Sigh...

Just today he told me...

Bean: Guess what am I having for dinner?
Me: Hmmm.. Noodles?
Bean: Nope... Yogurt drink!
Bean: I don't really have any appetite!

He is not eating enough. Not resting enough. And it really breaks my heart...

This honestly sux. There is nothing I can do to help him. I know nuts about his job! All I am doing now is refrain myself from disturbing him too much so that he will have more time to concentrate on more important stuff. If given a chance I would really love to take care of him.

I just hope these whole stressful moments will be ending soon!

I miss him dearly.

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