Friday, September 28, 2007

Flabby Tummy

'Aiyo... jou mei lei kam sau keh?? Lei mou sek yeh ke meh??' (aiyo... why are you so thin? don't you eat?)

'Are you anorexic?'

'I can use you as my light weights!'

'I can break your bone with two fingers!' (In my thoughts... yea right!)

These are the comment I usually get whenever I meet my relatives or new people whom I never met before. The way they said it was as though my parents are not giving me food to eat! People who have known me long enough know that I actually eat A LOT! What anorexic? Me no no anorexic! That word does not even exist in my dictionary! I do not deny that I am quite a petite girl but stop having wrong perceptions about me such as I do not eat at all or I only eat a piece of bread a day! The reason is simple... I do not gain weight easily!

However, ever since I came to Melbourne I have successfully gained 6kg. Yes... I am really proud and hoping that the number will increase more. (I'm not gonna disclose my weight here!) But the weight I put on goes to the wrong place! Where else besides the stomach! My housemate always complains, 'OMG... Look at your tummy! Is so BIG!' No one would ever believe such petite people like me would ever complain about extra flab here and there. The truth is petite people too have fats that turns into a flab! We don't just made out of pure bone! We are just smaller in size...

So there I was trying to find solutions to just lose the bit of extra fats around my tummy area. I used my best friend, and typed 'ways to lose flabby tummy'. There was this article I read where it displayed the directions to lose the extra fats. It went something like... 'jog for 20 minutes... sit ups about 50 times' Okay... exercise is common... Then I continued reading, 'drink at least 2 glasses of water after the jog' Wow... this website is quite good! Until I reached the part where it talked about the diet, 'toast accompanied by some fruits and daily lunch is fresh garden salad with tuna fish or chicken breast. OMG... breakfast is already so light and it is asking me to take salad for lunch? My stomach probably starts growling before even teatime!

Basically all other webs
ites suggest this simple concept of 'reduce calorie intake so that your body will be forced to burn your fat for energy'. Basically just ask me to lose some weight then I will get a flat tummy! Eh... I want to put on weight for goodness sake! I want to put on weight but at the same time maintain the shape of my stomach! I want to compromise both! Not weigh out the other for the benefit of the other!

I wasn't satisfied with the websites and hence hunted for another one! There was this particular website with the content of tips for thin people to lose the flabby tummy. This website suits me perfectly right?

Not after it suggested to LOSE SOME WEIGHT again!

So ridiculous...


ubean said...

dun worry about it...i dun mind :p

Anonymous said...

guys always say they dun mind but then when they see a skinnier girl, they will say "wow look at her hot body" or "those legs are just.... then the horny face"... which OBVIOUSLY make us feel even better... therefore as girls we need to maintain a certain proportion of body size so that our men will not "lose interest"... don't worry as long as u keep doing sit ups you'll have your really hot bod n tummy in one package!!